Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q. When will I be paid?
  • A. Normally Friday.
  • Q. My name, address, national insurance number or other details are incorrect on my payslip. How do I get this changed?
  • A. Address and Bank details may be changed online, please refer any other changes to your local branch of Backline Logistics.
  • Q. My payslip says I have been paid holiday pay, but the hours paid do not seem enough?
  • A. Holiday Pay is based on an average of the last 12 weeks basic pay (pro-rata), if you have worked fewer hours in these weeks it will affect your average.
  • Q. I have been away sick from work, I was expecting statutory sick pay but it seems low?
  • A. Subject to qualification, statutory sick pay is only paid on the fourth day of sickness; the first 3 days are waiting days and are unpaid.
  • Q. There is a deduction on my payslip for pension, I didn’t agree to this or want it?
  • A. As an Employer we have to auto enrol people into a workplace pension scheme, it is the law. You can opt out, but this has to be done within 4 weeks of your first deduction. After the first deduction has been made you will receive a welcome pack from Nest, your options will be detailed in that pack.
  • Q. Why am I not paying into a workplace pension?
  • A. Our workplace pension is postponed for three months. Once this period has elapsed you will be auto enrolled, subject to qualifying conditions.
  • Q. I seem to be paying a lot of tax, why is this?
  • A. When you commence work you should hand in your p45 from your previous employer, this will mean we can carry on your tax code and pay record. If you do not have this, you can fill in a ‘starter checklist’ with us, this will be done when registering; we will send the information on this to the HMRC who will send us your tax code within a few weeks.